What's the difference between Marketing & Non-Marketing Contacts in my HubSpot CRM?

There's always a threshold to the amount of Marketing Contacts within your HubSpot CRM you can have, before having to pay more for the next tier, but often you never plan to even market to these contacts. This is where Non-Marketing Contacts come in.

Marketable Contacts 

These used to be defined as ALL the contacts within your HubSpot CRM that you plant to market to with digital content, such as emails, EDMs, workflows, blogs, ads, etc. However, for those with hundreds or thousands of contacts that sit in your CRM, you'll probably see that often a huge percentage of them you never actually market to, or plan to, or have marketed to in the past but they have chosen to opt out of any communication with you and your company, and therefore just sit in your CRM being completely "unmarketable". 

But, the way HubSpot used to be set up is that all those contacts, regardless of your interactions with them, were always marked as "marketable" and they counted towards your CRM total contacts threshold. So you were paying for them just to sit there in your total contacts database. 

You can view your HubSpot contacts threshold and cost by clicking your profile picture in the top right of the HubSpot portal, and clicking on the drop down marked "Accounts & Billing". 


HubSpot Marketing VS Non-Marketing | Contacts Threshold

Why does the data appear differently to Google Analytics and other platforms_

Non-Marketable Contacts 

HubSpot saw this issue, listened to the many cries of HubSpot account holders, and answered the call with "Non-Marketing" or "Non-Marketable" Contacts. 

Simply, it just means that you can now segment your contacts you want to market to, and those you just want to have in your CRM but not market digital assets to. This means, sales teams can continue to add as many non-marketing contacts to the company CRM as they want, without adding to the marketing contacts threshold and costs their company additional contact CRM costs per month. 

Also, previous marketing contacts can be turned into non-marketing contacts, and visa versa. 


HubSpot Marketing VS Non-Marketing | Contacts Usage and Limits

The contacts changed to either effects the billing periodically per month. So if you change several marketing contacts to non-marketing, the following month, they won't be billed as apart of your monthly contacts costs. 

Need help setting this up or getting deeper with it in your portal, grab a time to discuss it here or click to call us.

Check out a few more articles here in our Knowledge Base to find out more!